Courtney Fallon has worked with COMPEL America over the last 2 years as the foundation’s Ambassador Outreach Coordinator. As an experienced television journalist, Courtney uses her national platform to amplify voices of those well-known faces that align and actively support COMPEL’s initiatives. She has taken an active role in helping to develop COMPEL’s after-school programs and recruit local athletes to inspire pro-active change amongst inner-city school children.

Dali Rivera
Dali Rivera is an Anti-Bullying & Diversity educator and the creator of the Diversity & Anti-Bullying Academy (DABA). Through DABA, she teaches parents and their children to prevent bullying by dispelling stereotypes, through interactive workshops and online lessons. Dali is a mother of two daughters, an Army veteran, wife, speaker, blogger, and avid volunteer in her school community. She lives in southern California with her husband, two daughters, and three small Shitzu dogs. Please visit Dali’s website at or by clicking below.